Monday, October 18, 2010

I say Gay Discrimination is a sin in itself!

I dont get why when a person admits he's gay, it suddenly becomes every one's issue and problem. Who that person chooses to love is his business. Why is the rest of the world coming involved in his love life? Since when God restricted and limited love. And who are we humans to judge that person at all. It makes me sad to see people condemning gays and lesbians, saying hurtful things like "They should go to hell." Leave them alone. They already know what they are risking by coming out and being honest about themselves, looking at how the majority of today's society view gays and lesbians as. Sexuality is not a sin. Tell me is it better for them to lie to themselves and the rest of the world and marry someone of the opposite sex that they harbour no such feelings for? Living a life full of lies and at the same time taking away their spouses and their chance of finding true love? Isn't that a sin?

Exodus 20:7

Thou shalt not take the name of the LORD thy God in vain; for the LORD will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain.

- King James Version

It is clear that the bible says that cursing, swearing, cussing should never come from a Christian's mouth. Now tell me, how many of you just sinned? Shouldn't you be condemned then? Why are you forgiven by the general public and have your sin overlooked like it wasn't a sin at all? If one were to look over everything the bible says then one (especially one living in today's society) would have found that he or she have sinned numerous times. So sinner, what makes you different from the rest of the world? Who gives you the right to make judgements on others and condemn them for what and who they are? Who are you to play God's role? Find something else to worry about wont you? Mind your own business. Again, IT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH YOU. Gahhhhhhhhhh.

It makes me so sad sometimes how small people's hearts can be. I wish the world would be more accepting. Its not like I can one day say "I think I'll become a lesbian." when im straight. Its not a choice. They dont wake up one day and say "Hey i think i'll become gay." So have a heart people. Stop with the discrimination. Stop with the bullying. We only have 1 life. And it can end anytime. So dont waste it with making a big deal of this small issue. Look at the bigger picture in life. What significance does human sexual preference have in yours? If you're straight you're straight. Good. If you're bi you're bi. Good. If you're gay or lesbian then you're gay or lesbian. Good. Its like the majority of the world love vanilla ice cream but there are some who prefer chocolate or strawberry or yam or mint or any other flavour. Should we outcast these people then and condemn them? Its the same thing.

Watching this video today inspired me to blog this post. And for those of you curious to know,

I am straight.
I am not a Christian.
I am not religious in any sense.
You can say I am Agnostic.
I prefer chocolate, strawberry and mint ice cream over vanilla.

So there. Yeah go ahead and condemn me for that. Food for thought?

Sunday, October 17, 2010

My advanced 1 Rad Ballet Grand Allegro free enchainement!

Right leg derriere en crosse. Chasse en avant degage, demi contratemps, fouete soute, coupe pose temp leve in arabesque, chasse passe en avant. Demi contratemps, fouete soute, coupe pose in 1st arabesque fondu. 3 runs grande jete en tournant, 3 runs fouete soute, petit develope passe devant, temps leve in arabesque, run in circle & repeat other side till 3runs fouete soute, chasse passe en evant, chaines en diagonale finishing with chasse & releve in 1st arabesque. HOLD.

How's that for free enchainment? o_o

Monday, October 11, 2010

I never thought that I'll see the day when you'll be gone and I'm stuck with what's left of a heart and it kills me inside, because you were the sweetest love I've ever known.
