Yaya's extension (:
Anisa kena lock! D: I dont know how you can still balance up there w/o locking -.- Anyway good try! (:
Vincent's Hurdler -.- He makes it look so easy! D:
After cheer practice, Maddie, Embrys, Sharon Goh, Christy, Seat Yee & Derek followed me to my studio's Hiphop Open Class (: It was packed with people and there were some short performances by Misato, Jack, Mc, Wc, Yan and some kids from Semenyih's branch.. It was quite cool! (:
Jack performing! (:
Yeah then loads of drama happened over the past week.. Dont like to mention it too much xD The conclusion of the week: X-PLODETES @ CHEER 2009! :D
Yeah.. Oh!
And on Friday we had this Teacher's Day Celebration in school.. It was THE BEST Teacher's Day celebration ever held in the history of SMKTJ2 teacher's day celebrations! :DD The only thing missing was X-plodetes performing ;) But there were still loads of performances to keep the crowd entertained.. Even the teachers did a dance! :D Yeah like awesome eh? Its a Bollywood themed dance and they danced to The Pussycat Dolls' Jai Ho! Whao didnt know they were so in x) HAHAHHAHA Even Pn. Norlida performed! :O
And the crowd were so sporting! (= Plus all of a sudden, hip shaking was suddenly allowed.. O.O Syasya and friends did a few numbers with partner dancing *yes with guys* and hip shaking! And everyone loved it! :D Like whao are we finally advancing people? HAHAHAH! And the students were allowed to jump in with the teachers and dance with them! Everyone was like dancing 80's disco style and OMG the teachers! xD You shouldve seen them man! They were dancing and moving their hips and everything else! xD Everyone even formed a line and moved around in a circle shaking left right and centre! Shocked the heck out of me for sure! (; But of course i aint complaining! Maddie & I sure had fun :D The pictures will be up next post! (: Promise!
Okay so after the celebrations, I had dance practice at my studio for the performance on Saturday & Sunday at Metro Point Kajang! =) Yeah we havent even choreographed anything yet so we had to do so fast! =X Was in the studio by 2pm.. And went back home at 10pm x) Here's some pictures :D The video, im waiting for either Embrys or Celine to upload them (;
Celine! :D
In case you dont know who she is, she's Malaysia's national rythmic gymnast! :D Go google her up! (:
More pictures and videos coming up! So keep checking back alright ;D hehehe.. Thank you Maddie & Embrys for coming to watch! =) Met Naz & Fahmi there too.. *just passing though* x) Oh and thank you Dichi Michi also :D (Robot, Roy & Lau) Azam had to work and Acong was who knows where x) Too bad we didnt get pictures with you guys :(
Okay guys so thats about it for now! =D More pics and videos next post as promised! (:
Ps: Watching Terminator Salvation tonight! :D Was supposed to watch yesterday but... long story will tell you guys about it next post! (: Till then! xoxoxo
Pps: X-plodetes Supporter Tshirts are still available! Though they're selling off like mad! xD Ordered 60 from supplier and as of yesterday already more than 40 shirts are booked! (: (That was in 2 days!) Since then i already got a few more orders and all i wanna tell you guys here is THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR YOUR SUPPORT! :DDD We havent even promoted it to our school students yet! (: Thank you guys soo very much! :DDD FREE HUGS FOR ALL! :DD
To order:
1. Leave me a msg on my TAGBOARD.
2. Add me on Msn - sylvia_cham@hotmail.com
3. Email me at sylvia_cham@hotmail.com
4. Leave a comment on X-plodetes' Myspace - www.myspace.com/xplodetes
5. Leave a comment on my Myspace - www.myspace.com/sylviasillyballerina
6. Leave a comment on my Friendster - www.friendster.com/sylviasillyballerina
7. Send me a text message if you have my number :D
8. Add me on Yahoo Messenger - sylvia_cham@yahoo.com
If you're unsure whether to buy or not, ponder no further! Check out X-plodetes' myspace to view all our pictures and videos and see our progress from Day 1 till now ;D Or check out my youtube account - www.youtube.com/sylvia5010 to view our videos! Hopefully they'll convince you (; If you are interested, pls do ONE of the above and you'll be guaranteed a shirt no problem! :) Again, THANK YOU GUYS SO MUCH FOR THE SUPPORT! :D
If you are unable to buy our supporter tshirts due to very unfortunate events, you can still show your support by doing as what Denissa wrote in her blog! :D http://denissahearts-you.blogspot.com/ (:
Those who live too far away but are still interested in buying our Tshirts, you can cash in the money to my bank account plus RM 2 postal fee *pending* & fax to me the receipt and I'll send you the Tshirts by mail (: Contact me for the fax & account number details! :D Only true supporters will be entertained.. THANK YOU MUAHMUAHMUAH! :D
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