Omg she's so expressive! =X Look at that last picture.. Know whats she doing? She was pretending to cry! xD Hahahahha.. She does this thing where she hides her face in her hands (either her palms or her forearm) and scrunches up her face and pretends to cry! (: She did it like sooo many times! The first time she did it, we were all like "omg whats wrong??".. Then she looked up and laughed at us! HAHAHHA.. Born actress? (; You know i DONT like kids.. But she was just too cute! Plus she doesnt really cry much like other kids.. Oh and she also knows how to wave bye, give salam exactly like the real thing *touches her lips to the person's hand*, and instead of YOU playing peek-a-boo with her, SHE does it to you! xD She'll take her handkerchief and hold it up on the corners, hides her face and then- KCHAK! -pulls the hanky down and laughs at us all.. With the sound effects too! :D Cute! (:
Ms. Wendy (:
Emily Ho Yen Yi (:
Celine Tang Siu Wern (:
Emily & Celine (:
Pictures from my RAD Grade 7 ballet exam yesterday.. :) So what happened was i woke up early, got my hair done and everything by mum.. I totally look like an uglified version of a bald Britney Spears! D: *The pictures show everything* But heck i was soo nervous that i didnt care at all.. Reached the studio at Danau at 8.30am.. 1 hour before my exam starts.. Yeah there was a last minute change in the timing.. So my group was the very first group in the whole studio to go in for the exams! I was sorta shaking! x) The night before, the morning of the exam, in the car..... You get what i mean.. Its been YEARS since Ive last done RAD Graded exams! The last time was Grade 5, when i was 11 years old.. =X 6 years! Thank God I get to go in with my Kumpulan Fried Tau Foo Fa! :DD Gosh its been like soo long since we use that name x) HAHAHHA..
Lets see.. Here's a break-down analysis of everything that happened during the exam..
Barre - Overall was alright.
Port De Bras - Kinda crappy.. x( Lost my balance a bit in the middle of the dance.. :(
Pirouette enchainment - DIE. Second side, wrong hand!! D:
Adage - Okay.. Wasnt my best though..
Petit Allegro - Okaay..
Allegro - I remembered to close up in the air for my first 2 assemble over but totally forgotten the last one! -_- Dont ask me why.. sigh..
Grand Allegro - Gahh! BAD. BAD. BAD. Didnt close ALL my glissades to 5th, lost my balance on my last sissone and didnt hold it during the first side.. :(
Dance Classical - Okay i guess.. Though was distinctly out of breath! =X
Free Movement
Study in Stillness & Gravity - So-so. =/
Study for upper back - BAD! D: Wasnt use to the scarf and it got tangled up.. That kinda distracted me and made me stumble on my steps.. Urghh.. And it was like the last part already! *bangs head to keyboard*
Character Steps
Lejtu & Promenades - Second promenade was really bad.. Couldnt balance! GAH.
Cabrioles - Couldnt click. Enough said. -.-
Quick Step *the Hungarian thingy x)* - It was fun :)
Reverance - Lost my footing towards the end. -.- But who cares, i was glad it was over! :D
My examiner was Ms. Atkinson, from Australia with the Aussie accent :D She was okay i guess.. But the only thing is she doesnt smile a lot.. =/ During the entire exam, *the quick step especially* we were smiling at her soo big and hard but she didnt even responded.. -.- Totally gave us the 'poker face' look.. The only time she laughed was when she said she felt cold and the pianist, Cynthia, helped her lower the air cond temp. Hmmm.. Hope I did okay! I know Celine, Sarah & Emily did! :) Congratz darlings! =)
Oh and GOOD LUCK to :
Chia Suann
Racheal Leow
Shy Ying
Loo Jia Ern
-who just took their exams today
Lee Hwey Ling
Celestine Neo
Low Jeng Yee
-on their exam tomorrow!
Tiu Winnie
-on their exam on the 12th May! (:
Ps: Kristal Tey - Hope your ankle heals soon! (: Sarah Chew - Hope your back heals soon! (:
Derek Ngoh at McD, taken by Embrys! She insisted i upload it on my blog.. -.-
During Physics tuition.. x) G Han & MIA insisted i took this! xD Embrys' super strong hair (:
Julian was sitting right in front of me! :DD *squeals in delight* Love you Julian =P
Izzal aka MIA -_- Horrific. Pathetic. x)
Poor Mia.. x) How pathetic! He was seriously bugging Embrys during tuition yesterday, so Embrys pen-napped his pencil.. So poor Mia had no pencil to use and couldnt copy down anything! I dont know why his friends didnt borrow him one.. tut tut tut.. Omg it was soo funny i tell you! xDD He couldnt do anything for the whole class so he just sat there and made a lot of noise, talking to himself, bugging Madeline, begging Embrys, tried to act a smart-alec and answer teacher's questions..... So i tried to take a picture of him looking so pathetic but i guess the presence of my camera gave some life into him again and instead i took the shot above.. -.- Oh and what became of the pencil? Its still with Embrys, fitting in perfectly well in her pencil case together with her other pens.. =) Say goodbye to your pencil Mia.. ;)
So thats it for now.. Gotta go get ready for Chemistry tuition! D: Will update as soon as i can.. :)
Muahmuahmuah! =D xoxoxo
Ps: School exams are next week! 13 May 2009. DIE.
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