Wednesday, July 7, 2010

The case of the inverted sperm due to underage sex.

..... Then the tail will penetrate the ovum. Instead of the head. The nucleus in the head is then guided to the end of the tail by active transportation with the use of the abundant mitochondrian available in the sperm. Once penetration is succeeded, the nucleus glides along the length of the sperm till the tail end and is pushed out into the ovum. Once that happens, the head wilts and disintegrates leaving the tail behind inside the ovum. When successful invertilization has occured, an upside foetus will slowly develop in the womb once the usual implantation has taken place. When the baby is born, you will find unusual characteristics such as the ass of the baby where the head should be and head at the bottom half of the body and mnay more other characteristics, some even born with wings. Such babies are born stillborn. With 100% of cases reported as so. This explains the lack of an alien like creature living on this planet. Scientists suspects creatures such as the chupacabras or the jersey devil is a form of an 'inverted' baby that has defied the odds and was born alive. But there isnt enough evidence to prove this yet. We hope more experiments done on children losing their virginity under the age of 14 will help give some answers. Therefore, if you're under the age of 14 help humanity by participating in underage sex. If you're a dumbass and believe what i just written, please go shoot yourself.

Thank you. xo

*disclaimer: i am not responsible for the increased rates of underage sex. i am also not responsible for the increased rates of suicidal pre-teens. This post is intended as a joke. Live with it.*


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