Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Utterly ridiculous rant on ridiculous people

Im soo sick and tired of those mentally retarded people who cant give me a straight answer and all they want to do is melengahkan masa.. I dont have all day to layan you people alright?!! Please... There's a 100 others i need to find and i cant layan all of you soo freaking nicely.. So just say yes you'll come and i'll lay off your backs.. Easy peasy.. If you're not coming then dont act as if you are at the beginning then telling me you're not at the end.. Fuck you people laa.. I dont have all the time to please you aight? I try my best to convince you and if that aint working then fine.. End of conversation.. Dont try to act like im your friend cuz obviously im not.. Im just trying to get more ppl.. Okaaayyy? FUCK man...

The worst kind are the ones that say they're going.. Then ask who else is going to be there.. Then in the end change their minds just because someone they hate or dislike is going to be there.. Well FUCK YOU! I rather have him than you.. You asshole retard! >:(((((((((

To those that sincerely couldnt make it, dont worry.. I understand.. =) I'll see ya next year then! ;)

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