Friday, April 10, 2009

To keep you posted.

Just came back from painting the school railings... Why u ask? Oh its Community Service under Rakan Muda.. Yeah and my hands are stained with brown ugleh paint! D: No pictures :( As i said, hands were stained with paint! *Even my phone wasnt spared x(* Ah well.. =/

In my previous posts, i forgot to mention one very important thing.. =X My ballet exams are coming! D: My group is on May 4th, 11 am.. Like OMG weh! We're like the 2nd group in the whole school to go in for exams, and the 1st Grade 7 group! D: Ahhhhhhhh!! Panic attack yo! We have less than one month to practice! Thats like 4 more practices! OhMyGod! And i cant even click on my cabrioles and half-breaks yet! (Character dance) Nooooo.. Im sooo not ready! x( And im still not sure of some of my steps yet! This is bad.. :( I feel the pressure.. Niiiiuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!

Oh and congratz to Yong and Cck for passing their driving test.. (: *not sure which one* And congratz to Won Siew for getting a 46/50 for his Undang test (:

Pity him lar.. (: Today he got birthday whacked like sooo many times! x) HAHAHAHAH
Okay moving on, check out Dichi Michi's myspace profile NOW! They just uploaded their new songs from their EP.. However its the raw version and not the mixed one.. The song X-plodetes was involved in is not released yet.. So keep checking out their page for updates! (: Ive been promoting their band a lot.. I hope they appreciate it.. =P LOL.. x)
Ps: David Archuleta is here in Malaysia! Do you feel his presence? :DD And damn it my bro got tickets to watch his concert! D: From his friend! Nooooooo!!! Im soo freaking jealous! x(

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