Thursday, November 6, 2008

FREE BIRD~ Ps: This song rocks on Guitar Hero ;)

FREEDOM AT LAST! All my important subjects are done and dead! =) Only left Pjk and Sivik.. Well who cares about that crap anyway.. So i celebrated by coming home, logged in to youtube and watched ballet repertoire videos! :D Pft i do that every day; exam or no exam.. -.- I was watching Coppelia - Medora's Variation, Swanilda's Variation and the scene where Dr. Coppelius was putting his finishing touches on his 'masterpiece'.. lol.. Those are awesome! :O I dont know whats the last variation called.. x) Ah well.. It was superb! And very funny.. Very convincing acting too.. :) You'll ALL enjoy it! Trust me.. (:

Told ya eh? C'mon i know you liked that.. :) Sooo.. I 'practised' some developpes and perfecting my arm movements.. You know, the fluidity and gracefulness of the arms.. Failed miserably.. x) Developpes was okay la.. But i know ive done lots better before.. So i wasnt satisfied.. (didnt stretch and warm up) I was so frustrated that i pulled my legs into a bow and arrow just like that.. And also into a scorpion.. Well done me! NOT.. I further hurt my back.. Its still not cured yet since the last time i hurt my back, which was 3 weeks ago.. And now i hurt it somemore.. I can still do developpes derriere though.. It doesnt hurt when i do that.. But it hurts when i 'round' my spine.. You know.. Like curling up into a ball.. So i tried to counter stretch and did the 'child's pose' or Balasana from Yoga.. Didnt work T.T So im stuck walking like a duck with my ass sticking out.. :( sigh.. Hurray for daisy duck.. =(

Pictures from the night before.. lol.. In my jammies.. :)

Mei-mei :D

Ps: Oh ya and I got my EST results back today! =D I got 83%.. Yay me! (:

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