Friday, October 17, 2008

A little piece of sunshine is just what i ask ;)

Weee... PMR is officially over! All over Malaysia 15 year olds are hitting the malls and other places of leisure to celebrate with friends, family and partners.. ;) Others not soo fortunate ones are sitting at home abusing the pleasures of the internet which they have been deprived of for 2 weeks...


Okay whatever...

Moral exam has passed!! :D Another bloody reason to celebrate.. It has finally stopped raining and I might be following my brothers for a round of tennis.. :D yeah rite, me? tennis? I'll definitely dislocate a shoulder.. But you'll never know till you try rite? ;) So like i said, moral exam is history.. I think I did alright.. =X But we'll have to wait for the results.. Im most likely gonna score a 50 or lower.. xD So after exam, I had a chat with my girls.. (: Maddie was giving out flyers of her dance studio to random people.. (Is that even legal? We're in school! xD) Embrys was having a very personal internal struggle of whether to go to the toilet to pee or not.. So Nissa, being ever so helpful, made her a paper box for her to pee in.. :) *she ended up folding about 6 boxes -____-* Anil called us the "Four queens".. :) Why?? I have no idea.. He said cuz we're four friends with four alter egos.. -____- Maddie's a rabbit, Embrys of course is a tongu, Nissa is a harimau and Im a flowerhorn fish.. Wth.. Just for laughs.. :)

Maddie VS rabbit

Embrys VS Tongu

Sylvia VS Flowerhorn

(tried to get a more flattering version of my alter ego)


Denissa VS Tiger

And the most look-a-like winner is........

*drum roll.........*


Congratulations Embrys, you win a free 1 year service of hilarious tongu teasing and get to spend a 3 day 2 night trip with breakfast, lunch and dinner provided in my garden! :D *Protection from FUNGUS GNATS are not guaranteed ;)*

Info on Fungus Gnats

Adult Fungus Gnats are active in the Summer. After mating, female gnats lay eggs on fungus or other food materials. Larvae hatch from the eggs. Fungus Gnat larvae look a lot like maggots (fly larvae) with small black heads. They immediately burrow into the mushroom or other food source they were born on. Larvae eat the insides of the mushroom for about two weeks. Then they crawl out of the food and find a place to become pupae (resting stage, like a coccoon). Adult Fungus Gnats will come out of their pupae if the weather is warm. Otherwise, they will wait until the next Summer.

I did not know that! =X LOLOLOL!

Sooo I've been practising my scorpion.. Also my bow and arrow.. And i reckon they improved! :D Yay me!!

My head looks weird.. =/

Alright.. Sooo Im gonna go practise my FOUETTE PIROUETTES now.. Because I really wanna post them up on youtube like i promised.. :D Sooo I'll catch ya next post.. Muahh~~

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