Wednesday, May 12, 2010


I've been doing lots of thinking recently. About what is the 'acceptable thing' to do and about what you truly believed in. 3 months back, i would barely recognise myself. Whether you like it or not thats not my problem honestly. At first i was all wound up. Forcing planets to merge even though its impossible. But i believed. And till now i still believe. Maybe one day it will be possible.

I wore my heart on my sleeve. Thinking honesty is the best solution. And that was my first mistake. Because i realised not everyone agrees with your honesty. And when that happens what then is your defense? For i have thrown everything on the line. All of my defenses. Stupid, stupid thing to do.

Its not like i wanna hide anything from any of you. But i know you wont understand. Or maybe you just didnt give yourself a chance to try to understand. And i know if i told everyone the truth, it'll scare the hell out of them. So i settle with being subtle. Obscure. Vague. So in that way im not really lying, but im not telling the whole truth either. Because some things, you just have to keep to yourself. Just myself. Until of course i choose to tell you. Lol.

I cant write everything here. Because most of it is just too personal. And easily misunderstood. But right now im very happy with where im at. I have finally found that balance :) And im working hard to keep it. But i have no complaints. None at all. Cuz you are worth every effort. All of you. I hope what ive written isnt too obvious. I was just venting really. Thats all.

And so my question for you dear readers is,

Would you lie if you know he or she wont ever accept your truth? When your lie is more acceptable than any truth? Would you lie because it is the best thing to do? Really.

Think about it before you judge me.

"There are 2 kinds of secrets: those we keep from others and the ones we hide from ourselves"




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