Saturday, May 15, 2010

"You dont have to believe me, just trust me." -quote.

One day one of us will sit up and realise that all this shit aint worth it. That mistakes happen. That nobody is perfect. That real love and real friendship never dies. One day, someone will break the silence. To choose to sit in the uncomfortable truth rather than with pretended hope that things will go back to the way they used to. That things will be the same. Because they never will. If things are always the same, how do we grow? And when we grow, how can we not change to fit our growth? What do we do? We adjust. We appreciate. We move on with our lives. Those left behind have given us memories and experiences. Treasures in a way. If you have really loved, really seek and posessed true friendship, there are no regrets. The bitter feelings will end. And you will find yourself again. One day, you will learn forgiveness. Then everything will be alright again. Not the same, it never will be. But everything will be alright.

One day, i hope you find it in yourself to truly forgive me. And one day, i hope i could also learn to forgive you.

This post is not directed to any specific person. It is inspired from a number of events that have transpired lately. And i hope we will all be alright again.


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